Utah’s Last Chance to Identify Eligible Locations for Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Federal Grant Funding
The Utah Broadband Center will host a statewide broadband challenge process to identify locations without reliable high-speed broadband internet in early 2024. These locations will be eligible for future Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) grant funds to install broadband infrastructure. “BEAD-eligible locations” refer to homes, businesses, and certain public facilities without reliable high-speed internet access. UBC will use the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) broadband map and definition of “unserved” and “underserved” to create a map of broadband serviceable locations in Utah.
The Utah Broadband Center (UBC) will allow eligible entities to challenge the accuracy of the BEAD-eligible locations in Utah. Eligible entities, which include local and Tribal governments, nonprofits, and internet service providers, will be able to view this map and challenge the designation of these locations.
Here's what you need to know:​
The BEAD State Challenge Process will begin once Utah's Initial Proposal Volume 1 has obtained NTIA approval. Preparing for the challenge can take time, so we encourage participants to start now. Eligible entities are encouraged to pre-register for State Broadband Challenge Portal access here.
For general information regarding the challenge process, see the BEAD Challenge Fact Sheet here. For more information and training regarding the broadband availability challenge process, view our latest Connecting Utah Call.
View recorded calls below:
Who can participate?
The following parties are allowed to submit challenges per the NTIA:
Non-profit organizations
Units of local and Tribal governments
Internet Service Providers
How to get involved: ​
Submit Speed Tests
UBC has started accepting individual challenges as of February 6th. The date for area or bulk challenge submissions will be announced. If your entity will be submitting area speed test challenges and/or are a recipient of the Transcend International grant, please review “Guidance for Area Speed Test Challenges” below.​
​Individual Speed Test Challenges
To successfully submit a speed test, individuals must submit the speed test survey 3 different times, on 3 different days, with the same internet service provider and at the same address. Visit the bottom of the portal page or select the direct link to the speed test survey below.
Register for the Challenge Process Portal
​This portal includes registration for eligible entities and speed test surveys for individuals.
Review the BEAD Challenge Process Fact Sheet
Review Utah’s Initial Proposal Volume 1
The Initial Proposal Volume 1 outlines the State Challenge Process. If your entity plans to submit challenges or expects to receive challenges requiring rebuttal, such as internet service providers, please carefully review the process.
Attend town halls, webinars, and trainings
View recorded webinars:
Click to download presentation slides
Contact for questions: sdasaro@utah.gov
Click to download presentation slides
Contact for questions: sgreene@utah.gov
Request a free CostQuest Map Fabric License
To fully participate in the State Challenge Process, eligible challengers should acquire a National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) Fabric License from CostQuest Associates. This will ensure the Utah Broadband Center can share the FCC’s Fabric Location data with the challenger. Importantly, the NTIA Fabric License differs from the FCC Fabric License. Visit the NTIA Fabric Licensing FAQ to learn more. Please use the following resources to request the appropriate license for your organization. Licenses should be requested as soon as possible to prepare for the challenge window.
The application process for the license varies based on the type of organization.
If your organization is a local or Tribal government, or nonprofit, you will need a Tier E License: https://apps.costquest.com/ntiatiererequest/
If your organization is an internet service provider, you will need a Tier D license: https://apps.costquest.com/ntiarequest/
Refer to these slides for detailed instructions on requesting a license. Additionally, to stay updated on the State Challenge Process, please email connectingutah@utah.gov to subscribe to UBC’s newsletter and upcoming announcements.
Guidance for Area Speed Test Challenges
If you are an eligible entity that plans to submit challenges on behalf of a county, district or region by census block during the Utah Broadband Availability Challenge Process, please review the guidance on this process.
Entity will need at least 6 households in each census block
Each household will need to run 3 different speed tests on 3 different days
The speed tests must be run with the same internet service provider, or they will not be accepted
Households must be subscribed to the highest speed service tier available