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View Challenges Available for Rebuttal

The rebuttal phase of the State Challenge Process will be open through July 9, 2024. Click the link above to learn more and view lists of submitted challenges available for rebuttal.

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Initial Proposal

Learn more about efforts to get all of Utah connected.

Why is high-speed
internet important?

High-speed internet is no longer a luxury.


Digital connectivity is an integral part of everyday life. In many ways it has become a necessity for full community participation, employment, lifelong learning and access to essential services.

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The Utah Broadband Center (UBC) needs your help to make

high-speed internet available, accessible and affordable for every Utahn.


Did you know?


Our goal is to change this and provide affordable access and resources to the digital world no matter your age, location, cultural background or financial situation. 

Help Us Get All of Utah Online

Connecting Utah is developing a statewide Digital Connectivity Plan to guide high-speed internet expansion and deployment across the state — and we need your input.


There are ways to get involved today. Your input will help us achieve statewide digital opportunities.

Get started

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Utah Internet Speed Test

Tell us about your internet connectivity at home, work, or wherever you connect to the internet. If you currently have internet access, take the 60-second Utah Internet Speed Test at to help us map internet speeds.


The speed test results will help identify areas that lack high-speed internet connections and direct dedicated federal funding towards providing high-speed internet access where it is needed most throughout the state.


Responses and data collected will be kept private and will not be sold or be made available to third parties.


If you don’t have access to the internet, please call our hotline at 435-264-8880 to let us know.


Share, share, share!  We need to hear from you, your neighbors, your friends, your colleagues, your family, and everyone. Connecting Utah seeks to make high-speed internet connectivity available, accessible and affordable to all Utahns. 

Meetings and Events

Visit the UBC website here to learn about in-person and virtual opportunities to participate. 


Subscribe to the UBC Newsletter to stay informed. Click here to sign up and receive upcoming announcements.

Meetings and Events
Speed Test

About Us

Connecting Utah, an initiative of the Utah Broadband Center, is working towards a digitally connected Utah where all are able to fully participate in modern society through access to high-speed internet, useful devices, and tools to achieve digital independence.  

The Utah Broadband Center supports high-speed internet development and expansion across the state by:

Ensuring that publicly funded high-speed internet projects are accessible to the public.

Working with internet service providers, local, state, and federal policymakers, consumers, community institutions, and other stakeholders to support internet initiatives, improve efficiencies and expand statewide access and usage.

Developing and implementing a statewide Digital Connectivity Plan and administering high-speed internet access grants.

To learn more about the Utah Broadband Center, click here.

Contact Us

Contact us with any questions or if you would like to request hard copies or translated versions of the surveys and materials.

Utah Broadband Center

60 East South Temple, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT  84111


Stay Involved

Please fill out your contact information below:

Thanks for submitting!

Contact Us

Contact us to get the materials and surveys in another language.

Follow the Governor’s Office
of Economic Opportunity

To read the website in Spanish, click here.

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Utah Broadband Center

60 East South Temple, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT  84111

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